Language Processing Group
Language Processing Group
Richard Futrell
An Information-Theoretic Characterization of Morphological Fusion
Predicting cross-linguistic adjective order with information gain
Simple induction of (deterministic) probabilistic finite-state automata for phonotactics by stochastic gradient descent
Deep Subjecthood: Higher-Order Grammatical Features in Multilingual BERT
An information-theoretic account of semantic inference in word production
Do dependency lengths explain constraints on crossing dependencies?
Modeling word and morpheme order in natural language as an efficient tradeoff of memory and surprisal
Sensitivity as a Complexity Measure for Sequence Classification Tasks
The Natural Stories corpus: A reading-time corpus of English texts containing rare syntactic constructions
What's new? A comprehension bias in favor of informativity
Word order affects the frequency of adjective use across languages
What determines the order of adjectives in English? Comparing efficiency-based theories using dependency treebanks
Communication efficiency of color naming across languages provides a new framework for the evolution of color terms
Dependency locality as an explanatory principle for word order
Lossy-Context Surprisal: An information-theoretic model of memory effects in sentence processing
Maze Made Easy: Better and easier measurement of incremental processing difficulty
Universals of word order reflect optimization of grammars for efficient communication
Are formal restrictions on crossing dependencies epiphenomenal?
Do RNNs learn human-like abstract word order preferences?
Estimating predictive rate--distortion curves using neural variational inference
Hierarchical representation in neural language models: Suppression and recovery of expectations
How efficiency shapes human language
Information-theoretic locality properties of natural language
Neural language models as psycholinguistic subjects: Representations of syntactic state
Structural supervision improves learning of non-local grammatical dependencies
Syntactic dependencies correspond to word pairs with high mutual information
What syntactic structures block dependencies in RNN language models?
A statistical comparison of some theories of NP word order
An information-theoretic explanation of adjective ordering preferences
Comprehenders model the nature of noise in the environment
Mutual information impacts adjective ordering across languages
The Natural Stories Corpus
What do RNN language models learn about filler--gap dependencies?
A functional theory of gender paradigms
A generative model of phonotactics
Color naming across languages reflects color use
Cute little puppies and nice cold beers: An information-theoretic analysis of prenominal adjectives
Don't underestimate the benefits of being misunderstood
Generalizing dependency distance
Memory and locality in natural language
Noisy-context surprisal as a human sentence processing cost model
A corpus investigation of syntactic embedding in Pirahã
A meta-analysis of syntactic priming in language production
L2 processing as noisy channel language comprehension: Response to Cunnings (2016)
Memory access during incremental sentence processing causes reading time latency
Cross-linguistic gestures reflect typological universals: A subject-initial, verb-final bias in speakers of diverse languages
Experiments with generative models for dependency tree linearization
Large-scale evidence of dependency length minimization in 37 languages
Quantifying word order freedom in dependency corpora
Response to Liu, Xu, and Liang (2015) and Ferrer-i-Cancho and Gómez-Rodrǵuez (2015) on dependency length minimization
Rythm's role in the genitive construction choice in spoken English
The `universal' structure of name grammars and the impact of social engineering on the evolution of natural information systems
Processing effects of the expectation of informativity
German grammatical gender as a nominal protection device