Language Processing Group
Language Processing Group
Edward Gibson
The Natural Stories corpus: A reading-time corpus of English texts containing rare syntactic constructions
Communication efficiency of color naming across languages provides a new framework for the evolution of color terms
Dependency locality as an explanatory principle for word order
Lossy-Context Surprisal: An information-theoretic model of memory effects in sentence processing
How efficiency shapes human language
Syntactic dependencies correspond to word pairs with high mutual information
Comprehenders model the nature of noise in the environment
The Natural Stories Corpus
Color naming across languages reflects color use
Don't underestimate the benefits of being misunderstood
Generalizing dependency distance
A corpus investigation of syntactic embedding in Pirahã
A meta-analysis of syntactic priming in language production
L2 processing as noisy channel language comprehension: Response to Cunnings (2016)
Memory access during incremental sentence processing causes reading time latency
Cross-linguistic gestures reflect typological universals: A subject-initial, verb-final bias in speakers of diverse languages
Experiments with generative models for dependency tree linearization
Large-scale evidence of dependency length minimization in 37 languages
Quantifying word order freedom in dependency corpora
Response to Liu, Xu, and Liang (2015) and Ferrer-i-Cancho and Gómez-Rodrǵuez (2015) on dependency length minimization